Hello, I'm Becky Dawson

I'm a certified Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP) and manual therapist (LMT, IMT trained). I partner and journey with individuals struggling with chronic health issues. I work with clients and their medical team to uncover root health problems by looking through the lens of nutrition, lifestyle practices, and manual therapy. Additionally, I specialize in supporting parents who care for chronically ill or special needs children. And now parents impacted by the pandemic. I was drawn to this work many years ago as I have a son who suffers from a severe progressive seizure disorder. Our journey began when he turned one. Sadly, most of the conventional medicine that we tried did not help or in some cases made things worse. After being passed from one specialist to another, a metabolic geneticist said, “I’m sorry we can’t do anything for you. Take your son home and enjoy him”. There were very few moments to enjoy because the seizures and side effects made life unbearable for everyone. And that is when I stepped out of the medical world I knew, resolved to find resources for my child. When my son turned two, we discovered how nutrition acted as medicine and manual therapy kept him out of crisis. That was 15 years ago and since we have discovered how functional nutrition has improved our whole family’s digestion problems, autoimmune issues, anxiety, and hormone imbalances. I'm excited to share these tools. I know first hand how walking the illness gauntlet can be confusing, exhausting, and lonely. As an advocate and educator (BS in education), I take time to listen and journey with individuals to help them understand body function, and to teach individuals how to listen to their body’s cues in order to restore health.